1. Page or transaction Latency view. A new view was added to all Page and Transaction reports showing total response time breakdown between Latency (a) and Server Time (b). (see http://support. stresstimulus. com/display/doc42/Latency+View). 2. Single-documentoption for external reports.
1. Loops with transactions. In the previous version, loops could include only requests but not transactions. In this version, loops with a transaction allow to more granularly monitor performance of various parts of the loop.
One of the most effective tools for evaluating the web performance-relateduser experienceis aWaterfall chart. It depicts a timeline diagram of requesting andloading page resources.
April 23, 2015 Update: v4. 2 went live today. V4. 2 public beta was launched today. The purpose of the new version is to bring the depth of performance reporting to a level exceeding existing enterprise load testing tools.
Test Integrated Development Environment (IDE). 1. Comparing multiple Verify results to further help with test configuration. In previous versions, subsequent runs of Verify overrode previous results. In this version, every verify run creates its own result set in a separate tab.
Test Pass/Fail Qualification. 1. Test Pass/Fail Qualification. You can define custom test quality criteria which will define the Pass/Fail outcome of the test.
Released today, v4. 0 update 2 added individual page and transaction analytics, a more powerful recorder, andmany other new features and enhancements. Part 1 of the release notes, describes test result enhancements. 1.
1. A new splash screen brought a long overduelook enhancement to match the UI appeal. 2. New recorder:lightweight yet more powerful recorder:. No more issues communicating with StresStimulus because of its in-process implementation.
We are excited to announce the release of v4. 0 today. Main focus: The main focus of v4. 0 was to bring all new performance analytics that allow to pinpoint performance bottlenecks and anomalies under various load conditions quickly.