While writing StresStimulus documentation, I ran into situations where more than one correct spelling of a term exists. Being not a native English speaker, I am especially careful with my spelling choices.

Step 1. Recording test scenario. Navigate through your web application to capture test scenario in Fiddler. Click StresStimulus tab. Select HTTP sessions for testing and click Set Test Case. Step 2. Configuring load test. Set think time - wait time before subsequent user action.

A new StresStimulus version released today allows to validate test case before running load test. After setting a test case simply click Run Test Case Once" to verify test case execution. Make sure that sessions generated by the test case in Fiddler match you expectations.

A new StresStimulus version released today allows selecting network type for virtual users. Currently the following network types are supported: LAN, T1, Cable/DSL 384k, Dial-Up 56k. StresStimulus will simulate load for a particular bandwidth limit.

A new StresStimulus version released today brought the following updates:. Note: due to an auto-update bug in some of the older versions, download this version from our website. 1. Parametrization, to change recorded values of requests' parameters with. csv files data sets on every test iteration.

StresStimulus is two months old today. Since its announcements on 1/1/11 it went through five releases, while the number of downloads is way into three-digit territory. Yesterday we received great news that it got into a good company of extensions, featured on Fiddler's website athttp://www.

When coding StresStimulus I used the standard System. Windows. Forms. MessageBox API to add a Windows message box. These message boxes have very few basic options like "OK/Cancel" or "Yes/No" buttons. At first this API was sufficient, however very soon I realized that it was pretty limiting.

After the Part I of the blog was posted, @ericlaw shared on Fiddler Google group details on the alpha. He explained that the main performance benefits are directed to Windows Vista+. My Fiddler scalability test in the blog was performed on Windows Server 2003.

Inspired by the following @ericlaw tweet, I tested new Fiddler alpha's ( v2. 3. 2. 0) scalability as it compares to the current version v2. 3. 1. 2. Session load was created by StresStimulus extension. The following scenario was tested:.
