Released today, v4. 0 update 3 added all new external reportsandseveral other new features and enhancements. 1. Upgraded Reporting. Now you can save a test result as a multi-page external report in a portable HTML format. seehttp://support. stresstimulus. com/display/doc40/External+Reports. 2.

Released today, v4. 0 update 4 added Linux/Unixserver monitoring and several other features and enhancements:. 1. Linux/Unix server monitoring. StresStimulus now can monitor various metrics of Linux/Unix-based servers during load test execution using SNMP protocol.

Released today, the v4. 0 update completely redesigned the test result analysis block. It includes multiple new features and enhancements. Here is the list of the 10 main benefits:. 1. New results presentation dimension. V4.

1. More complete reporting. Transaction details grid, contains the following additional parameters. Errors % - % of transaction iterations with at least one error. Timeouts % - % of transaction iterations where a timeout was registered for at least one request.
1. Consolidated Runtime Dashboard. Runtime dashboard is integrated with the graphs to provide all test execution instrumentation and controls in one window. A user would not need to navigate to any other parts of StresStimulus during the test run.
V 4. 0 public beta was launched today. The purpose of the new version is to completely rework the StresStimulus monitoring and reporting component. The main improvements in the new version are:. More visually appealing and customizable graphs.

The update released today includes the following enhancements:. 1. Test wizard is expanded. Now the test wizard walks users not only through the test configuration and run, but also through the major test results. Wizard steps are added: summary report, page details, request details, VU details.

The update released today includes the following enhancements:. 1. Test wizard is expanded. Now the test wizard walks users not only through the test case configuration, but also through the major steps of test configuration and test run:. a. Selecting load pattern and the number of users. b.

Killer autocorrelation. In v 3. 7, the autocorrelation is completely re-engineered to find the majority of dynamicparameters automatically.

Recording a test case is now initiated from the top node on test case tree. The wizard will present a choice of recording sources that includes:. all web browsers installed on the test machine (a). a non-browser application (b). a mobile device (c).
