Released today, v4.0 update 3 added all new external reports and several other new features and enhancements.
1. Upgraded Reporting. Now you can save a test result as a multi-page external report in a portable HTML format.

2. External report for every page and transaction. The first page of the Test report displays hyperlinks to individual page and transaction reports.
3. Self-documented result views and reports allows to easily interpret test results:
- Every parameter displays an "?" icon that, on mouse over, displays a value description
- Every mouse over on a grid column, displays a tool-tip with the column description
4. Print-friendly reports. When you print HTML pages, UI elements unrelated to the printed content, such as help icons, will not appear on the printout.
5. Multi-Test report tab. From the Analyze Results section, select several results and click Compare Results on the toolbar. A new tab will display multiple results side-by-side.

6. Quickly compare results of two test using Ctrl+Tab. This keyboard shortcut allows alternating between the two most recent tabs without using the mouse.
7. Retrieve sessions of a page or transaction with one click. Select a page or transaction sessions and click Show Sessions on the page/transaction tab toolbar.
8. More parameters appear on the summary reports.
Several fixes and improvements.
To navigate to other parts of the v4.0 release notes, click the links below:
4.0 is available here.