1. Consolidated Runtime Dashboard. Runtime dashboard is integrated with the graphs to provide all test execution instrumentation and controls in one window. A user would not need to navigate to any other parts of StresStimulus during the test run. Also, instead of pop-up implementation, Runtime Dashboard is displayed in the main window without obstructing any visible information.
2. The number of monitored categories increased from 2 to 5. In addition to monitoring KPI and Windows performance counters, additional categories are
- Pages
- Transactions
- Test cases
3. The number of graph panels increased from 2 to 4
4. Configurable graph layout. 12 predefined layouts can be selected to display one to four panels. Additionally, you can select which graph can display in every panel.
5. Redesigned Test Progress Panel displays elapsed time, number of requests, iterations, VUs and other test progress information.
6. Configurable and more visually appealing graphs. Graphs are totally redesigned to make it easier to understand display information. Now on each graph you can select which curves to hide/unhide and turn on or off time auto-scrolling. Zoom and pan functions are much easier to use now.
7. More granular access to graph underlying data: Now you export data points for the entire graph or for any individual curve.
8. All curve grids now are consolidated into a single grid for each group can be expanded collapsed
9. Better integration between graphs and curve grids. When you mouse over a curve, the corresponding row in the curve grid is highlighted, and vice versa, when you click on a row in the curve grid, the corresponding curve on the graph is highlighted.
10. Performance counter set persistence. Previously the system did not remember performance counters from the test A, if it was changed on the test B. Now the set of selected performance counters is stored with the test configuration. After reopening a test, its list of performance counters will be retrieved. This saves time on manual configuration.
11. Configurable Performance Counters properties. Previously, performance counters properties were not exposed. As a result, if the server credential changed, you need to delete and recreate the counter. In the current version you can simply edit a username and password without re-creating the counters.
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4.0 is available here.