Stressless Load Testing

All About Performance Testing & Tools for Web, Mobile and API


1. Opening test result without a test. Previously, a test must have been opened before its result could be displayed. This caused limitation in distributing test results without the entire test. In this update, in order to open a test result, you just need to have a single SQL CE file. You do not need to have the entire test. This makes it easier to share individual test runs. See

2. Analyzing Agent local analytics. During the test run, a significant amount of performance information is collected from the agents. Only part of this data, which is most important for consolidated reports, is mirrored to the controller. Some of the data is exclusively stored on the agent. For example, if the session was initiated on the agent and is opened on the controller, its response will display some session metadata, such as host, URL, and response code. However, detailed response body information will not be presented. Instead directions will be provided to access complete request and response content on the agent by Opening an SQL CE file on the agent.

3. More metadata in Session Inspector. When displaying a replayed session, session inspector shows the following additional metadata: VU NUMBER , Iteration number, Test Case name, see

4. More complete agent-to-controller replication. In previous versions, only session response time was transferred from agents to controller. In the current update, complete session metadata, such as all timers, URL, Host and response code is replicated to the controller.

5. Test repository size saver. A new SQL CE repository option is added to scales up supported test size without reducing meaningful metrics. In the Result Storage section the property Purge response bodies now can be set to Static Mime Types. As a result, only dynamic responses meaningful for performance analysis will be stored. Bodies of Static Mime Types, such as images, video and other static resources, will be purged. See

6. Configurable synching between agents and controller. Now you can enable / disable copying information to the controller about sessions issued by the agents with SQL Server CE-based storage. Enable it, to copy this content to the controller. This will allow to generate waterfall diagrams for VUs emulated on the agent. Disable it to reduce the traffic between agents and controller when network bandwidth is limited. See

7. Graceful test stop when reaching the limit of the SQL CE size. In the previous version when test data reach the 4 GB limit for SQL CE size, test was aborted without creating final reports. In this version, in the similar situations, the test will stop, but the final report will be generated. . Additionally, user will be directed to the instruction how to reduce test storage use. See

8. Test Result name in the Test Summary, and Multi-Test report. This name is automatically created for every test run. In SQL CE, a name of a .sdf file. You can change it from the Test Result section.

9. SQL CE repository used capacity meter. On the Runtime Dashboard, the Test Progress panel shows the percentage of the 4 GB storage limit used to store test data accumulated up to this point (see

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4.2 is available here

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