1. The Graph sample rates limit is lowered to 1 second. The communication between a controller and agents was substantially optimized. Now the graph sample rate and the agent sample rate is configured separately. The former parameter defines the period of polling graph data while the latter parameter defines the period of polling other performance data used on the progress bar.

2. The “Test Result Name” value persists between test runs. A one-word Test Run Name is used as a prefix to label the result set of the next test run, displayed in the "Previous Results" section. If the Test Run Name is empty, the test file name is used as the prefix.

3. Added an option to purge request bodies. In previous version only the response body could be purged. In this version, requests and the response are configured separately. Purging bodies of test sessions' requests saves memory. Select All to purge all bodies. Select None to keep all bodies. Select “Non-Errors” to keep all bodies with Errors.

4. "Test Run Name' and "Test Run Description" appear in the Test Summary and Report.
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