Released today, V2.5 beta update added the following features and enhancements:
1. Agent can run as Windows service with much higher performance. An agent now can not only run as a Windows application, but also as a Windows service. Service mode provides higher agent performance and allows simulating a greater number of virtual users without overloading the test machine. In our tests, the agent services were able to emulate up to 50% more the VUs.

2. StresStimulus Agents now can run as standalone services without Fiddler. While Fiddler is still required to install StresStimulus, after enabling the agent mode as a service, Fiddler does not need to run. A standalone controller will be shipped in v3.0, as provided in the Standalone StresStimulus Roadmap.
3. Defining the last actions in the test scenario. In some test scenarios, certain actions should be performed only once on the last iteration, while all other pages should be requested multiple times (per each virtual user). For example, if you want to simulate how a use logs-out , after performing repeated actions, the log-pages should be executed only once after looping through other requests. To set the last action pages, on the page property grid set the "when request the page " property to "On Last iteration".

4. Added support for transaction Goal. Similarly to the page response time goal, the user can configure transaction completion time limit.

5. Added a metrics of failed transactions. In the transaction detail section added a percentage of transaction missed the goal due to exceeding completion time limit.

6. Autosize grid columns. Every grid with a substantial number of columns has an auto size grid columns on its toolbar

7. Added validation of the test duration parameters depending on the load pattern configuration. Warning messages will direct users to modify test settings in the following cases:
(a) The test duration is shorter than time to reach the max VUs in the step pattern (b) the number of virtual users exceeds the number of total iterations in the test completion criteria.
8. Support for "new line" and "tab" characters in the text delimited extractors. For "new line", enter \n; for "Tab" enter \t.
9. Added support of StresStimulus on Windows 8.
To navigate to other parts of the v2.5 release notes, click the links below:
V2.5 beta is available for download here.