Stressless Load Testing

All About Performance Testing & Tools for Web, Mobile and API

What's new in v2.0, Intro

09/10/12 Update: v2.0 went on sale today. It can be downloaded from here

StresStimulus V2.0 public beta was released today. It introduces the Enterprise edition along with multiple enhancements in the Pro edition. The Enterprise edition will target companies requiring complete load testing of high-traffic complex websites in a multi-machine / multi-geography environment.  The initial v2.0 public build includes a small portion of the Enterprise features, more features will be released in the coming weeks.
The first 4-part release notes describe what's new in the today's version. Parts 1, 2 and 3 describe new features in the Pro edition, while Part 4 is dedicated to the Enterprise edition as following:

  • Part 1: Pro Edition - extended UI layout and more objects on the Test Case Tree, editing and deleting objects.
  • Part 2: Pro Edition - more consistent navigation pattern between objects; adding, repositioning, hiding and validating objects.
  • Part 3: Pro Edition - miscellaneous features.
  • Part 4: Enterprise Edition - multi-test case support.

V2.0 is installed as the Enterprise Edition. It is designed to be back-and-forth compatible with v1.7 and the Pro edition, with one limitation: only a single-test-case Test created in the Enterprise edition, can be open in the Pro edition.

How to downgrade a Test from v2.0 to v.1.7: If you upgraded from v1.7, added more test cases to the Test in v 2.0, and then want to go back to v1.7, just delete all test cases except the one that you want to keep, and save the Test. You will be able to open it in 1.7.

As in the previous versions, installing and using v2.0 beta does not require activation. If you have a commercial or trial license for pre 2.0 versions, it will unlock the number of licensed VUs in 2.0.

This beta is time-limited and will be replaced by a production version when it is released.

To navigate to other parts of the v2.0 release notes, click the links below:


V2.0 beta is available for download here.

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