This is the third post in the series of four, describing new features in v1.1.
3.1 In the "Test summary" added section Pages. It displays the total number of pages requested, page average response time, the slowest and the fastest page response time.

3.2 In the "Request Details" grid:added Content-Type column; primary requests are displayed in bold.
3.3 In the "VU Iteration Details" grid: added Errors and Timeouts columns as well as Browser and Network columns.

3.4 Added a "Show Test Results" option:Show Successful Requests that displays all requests except errors and timeouts.

Overall increase timers' accuracy (Timeouts, TTFB/Network time breakdown, etc…).
Also, v1.1 is compatible with Fiddler, released on 10/09/11, while v1.0 and 1.1 beta are not fully compatible, due to some changes in fiddler API. Upgrade strongly recommended.
To navigable to the other parts of the v1.1 release notes, click the links below:
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