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Potential Bug with Server Authentication Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 10

Posts: 10
There seems to be a potential bug running a load test of 3 different applications, on the same host, simultaneously following the below scenario:

Test Case 1 - Application 1 utilizes form authentication
Test Case 2 - Application 2 utilizes form authentication
Test Case 3 - Application 3 utilizes server authentication

When running a Steady Load of 30 users - 10 per application, all users are authenticated successfully.

When increasing the load test to 45 users - 15 per application, all users utilizing form authentication are authenticated successfully. However, the test case utilizing server authentication, only a subset of users are getting authenticated, meaning not all 15 users are authenticated.

Just to note, the application using server authentication (Test Case 3) can handle more than 15 users as I was able to successfully run a load test of 50 users just executing this test alone.

Version 5.3.7670 x64 CLR 4.0

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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566
It looks like you reported an issue that your script works on lower load levels and fails on higher load levels. Further, you suggest that a potential StresStimulus bug causes the issue because your other script works on the higher load levels.

Generally, tests can fail for the following two main reasons:
  • Script misconfigurations
  • Application, instability, or failure to handle the load.

  • I didn't find anything in your post that would lead to the suspicion that StresStimulus has a bug.

    I recommend contacting your support rep and seek assistance with your script configuration. However, if you still believe that you found a bug, please provide a methodology for replicating the issue.

    - Cheers
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