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Handling single signon with multiple system Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 3

Posts: 3
Hi Team,

Sorry for posting novice question, But i tried all possible way to pass through cookies and session id to integrated system subsequent request for authorization.

Scenario -

We have an application X (our main product) which is loading another application (Y) within an iframe. We have single signon mechanism which automatically login users into the other system. Application Y is java based web application and when trigger from application X its auto login itself by connecting to our identify management system.

The very scenarios where application x login work fine, I am able to extract cookie and pass it to the subsequent request of application X are able to retrieve and gives 200 OK status.

But, within the same scope, when we are running request which are part of application Y, we are getting unauthorized errors. Digging it shows that there are three parts passing in cookie for application Y i.e SESSION, XSRF-TOKEN, and JSESSIONID. I did extracted these three parts from previous request and passed in subsequent request, but no luck.

Can you guys please help me with some counters or route me to some documentation to resolve this.

Thanking you in advance
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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566
Cookie correlation works automatically and usually does not require any manual correlation. Most of the time a different correlation issue is causing cookie correlation failure.

For general correlation info see

To give you specific solutions we would have to inspect your test via a screen sharing session. Please contact your support rep.
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Posts: 3

Posts: 3
@George, Thank you for your quick response.

I am evaluating the tool and downloaded the trail version of stress stimulus. Can you help me in this scenario? I first tried to register myself using company registered email address, but it seems the company email policy restrict any email coming from external domains. Hence i have to register myself with personal email address.

If you could help me with your support email address, I will request my Manager to share across the details and schedule skype session to look into this issue. He has access to receive and sent email to external domains.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Once again, thank you for quick response.

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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566

I privately sent you a link that you or your manager can use to schedule a support session. Just select one of the available daily timeslots, and you will be booked for a test configuration session where one of our support staff will fix your script and answer questions.

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