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Web Socket replay Issue
GowthamiG Posts: 1
HI Team,
My Application is getting recorded but when replay facing issue with web socket request. Though required correlation is created, still we are facing error. The number bytes sent is different to recorded and replay. Could you please suggest how to resolve this? Do we need to correlate web-socket Key under headers, observed it is dynamic? Also when i am replaying the script observed new header xss-reusable-connection when using same web-socket-key, is this causing the difference in bytes for the request sent?
George @StresStimulus Administrator Posts: 568
StresStimulus supports the web socket protocol. The error you are experiencing is likely related to your script configuration.
Unfortunately, we cannot resolve your script configuration issue on this public forum.
If you are a customer, you may contact your support rep for assistance with troubleshooting and executing your test script. If you are evaluating StresStimulus, you can request a free test configuration session from
- Cheers
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