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Command Line does not run test after loading it Messages in this topic - RSS

Brianna Blanchard
Brianna Blanchard
Posts: 76

I am using the latest version of Fiddler (v2.4.4.0) and StresStimulus (v2.8.4863), and trying to launch a test with the following command (while fiddler is closed):
<Fiddler File Path>\Fiddler.exe /SS <Test File Path>\MyTestName.ssconfig
The SS test is loaded in fiddler, but does not appear to run: no progress bar appears, nothing is graphed, and nothing appears in the Test Summary. If I manually click "Run", the test executes without problem. When I run an equivalent command using StresStimulus 2.0.4657, it will launch and run the test. I would really like to take advantage of the new features in StresStimulus, but I need to be able to run from the command line.
I also saw the recommendation to use LaunchFiddler.exe in the v2.5 release details,  but I don't have this .exe and I can't find it to download.
Thank you,
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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
On your question about Fiddler.exe /SS: The command line interface is supported in all editions until version 2.5. In later versions it is available in the Enterprise and SP Editions only (see

On your question about LaunchFiddler.exe:
- In v2.5 LaunchFiddler.exe is located in %Fiddler Directory%\Scripts folder. It will allow you to open and start the test automatically in all Editions
- In v2.8 LaunchFiddler.exe is located in %Program Files%\Stimulus Technology\StresStimulus folder. However, if you have Pro edition, the test will open but will not start automatically. You can start it manually by clicking Run button.
edited by admin on 12/29/2016
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Brianna Blanchard
Brianna Blanchard
Posts: 76

Thank you, I am able to run tests using v2.5. As a note, I was having issues using SS v2.5 with Fiddler v. 2.4.4, so I tried a previous version of Fiddler (v2.4.2.6) and it solved the issues.
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