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using the authenticated username within a playback script? As a variable maybe? Messages in this topic - RSS

Alan McCollough
Alan McCollough
Posts: 5

Alan McCollough
Alan McCollough
Posts: 5
I am running version 4.5.6100 I have a test where I am using a .csv list of usernames and passwords for the Authentication source. This is working out well. My test case consists of visiting a web page with a form on it, filling in the form, and submitting the form.
What I wish to do is to use the authenticated username for one of the form field values.
I am looking at as a possible solution, but did not see within there how to access the authenticated username.
Or, is there a built-in means of accessing the authenticated username?
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Max @StresStimulus
Max @StresStimulus
Posts: 101

Max @StresStimulus
Max @StresStimulus
Posts: 101
Hello Alan,
It looks like you need every VU to use its username for authentication and then again as a form entry. You do not need to use scriptable variables and programming for that because using parameterization is easier.
Do you use server authentication or web form authentcation as described here
If you use the server authentication then I suggest the following. Create a dataset called Users containing one field username. Load this dataset with the usernames from your csv file keeping their order.  In the form request, find the username field you wish to parameterize and create a VU-Bound parameter to the Credentials.username field.  Creating parameters is described here
If you use the form authentication then you already have a dataset. Use it the same way ay I described above.
Does this make sense?

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Alan McCollough
Alan McCollough
Posts: 5

Alan McCollough
Alan McCollough
Posts: 5
That does make sense. Being a fairly new user, I found the many options with datasets a bit confusing. I will use the VU-Bound parameter for those fields. Thank you.
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