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Unique data for VU Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 27

Posts: 27
I wanted VU to pick Unique data from data set and for 20 users with 500 unique data, I set 25 iteration with below dataset properties(snapshot1) but as you can see in second snapshot the multiple VU's picked up same data.
1. Why multiple vu's picked up same data?
2. What should be the settings in order to have all users unique data from datafile with enough data?

Your quick responce would be appreciated. Thanks.
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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 554

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 554
The record chosen by VU-Iteration-Bound is determined by the formula: (Iteration #) * (Max VUs) + (VU #) and is described here.

However, if your test has multiple test cases, then set the VU-to-row mapping property to On-Demand as described here.

Also, suppose your test has multiple test cases and runs a distributed test with load agents. In that case, you have to create a column called “Agent” and designate each record to a load agent by specifying which load agent’s name this record belongs to. Finally, set the Agent-binding column property to “Agent.” Otherwise, the same rows will be used by different agents, which causes repeats.

- Cheers
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