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Unable to open an existing script Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 1

Posts: 1
Hi team,

I have a recorded & enhanced script, that consists of 3 test cases, ready for execution.
For some reason, I had to restart the stressStimulus application but after the restart, I have not been able to open the script again.
I get a Loading message (see screenshot below) but nothing beyond that.

Have tried to open different scripts, even on different StressStimulus Versions (5.3 / 5.4 - beta) but no luck in opening any script.
Have been facing this issue since yesterday (04/02/2021) afternoon.

Please can someone help me?

Thank you,
Harsha Thadani
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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566
This issue may be caused by data, program, or system corruption. Your post does not describe the effort done to troubleshoot or resolve it. For example, did you try any of the following:

1. Reinstall StresStimulus.
2. Reboot your computer.
3. Restore from a backup the last good version of the script.
4. Record a new script to see if you can re-open it.
5. Try to open your script on a different machine
6. Try to open a script created by your colleague on a different machine by copying it to your machine

These steps may resolve the issue or point you in the right direction. Otherwise, contact your support rep as they may need to inspect your system.

- Cheers
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