StresStimulus releases and other announcements.
ToolsJournal covered the announcement that a standalone version of StresStimulus is underway
StimTech Administrator Posts: 59
Last week ToolsJournal wrote about the impact of Fiddler's acquisition on third party Fiddler extensions. It reiterates that the Fiddler community will benefit from this development. The article also expressed excitement about Stimulus Technology's direction to develop a standalone version of StresStimulus to give its customers a choice of which version to use, at no additional cost. It concluded: "The decision of StresStimulus to introduce a standalone version, in addition to the ongoing versions will definitely give more flexibility to the users of the tool." v 2.5 will be still distributed as a Fiddler add-on, but its UI will rely less on Fiddler's UI. Read the standalone StresStimulus roadmap.
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