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support for native mobile app load testing Messages in this topic - RSS

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514
We have recorded a mobile native app flow and wanted to execute load test for the same. Can you help us, how we can simulate mobile app device and version for load test in the tool as we can only see browser mix for web and mobile browsers only.
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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566
A web client is distinguishable to the server by the User-Agent header as described
By default, the browser uses the recorded User-Agent header, so if you record using a mobile device, then every VU will send a mobile device User-Agent. To make the report more readable, you may rename the Browser type attribute to My mobile client, as shown in the screenshot below.

If you want to change the recorded User-Agent header, set the Replace User-agent String property to True and provide the User-Agent header value as shown below.

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