StresStimulus releases and other announcements.
Summary of the new release
Vadim @StresStimulus Administrator Posts: 583
A new StresStimulus version released today includes the following updates: - Added support for ViewState autocorrelation on ASP.NET pages. - Increased virtual user cap by 50% due to load engine optimization. - Improved web browser emulation. - Added support for Internet Explorer 9. - Fixed several bugs including one in Parameterization. For more details read this blog.
Craig Okata Posts: 4
Hello Vadim, The other day, I recently installed the upgrade to StresStimulus during my load testing, and have experienced a high amount of HTTP response error counts as compared to before. I am running the same test from an archive, clear the cache and cookies. My previous HTTP error count at 750 constant users was 14 errors generated from 772 requests. Currently, I ran just 100 constant users and received 153 errors from 168 requests as shown in the Test Summary. I ran a few higher user counts as well. The result seems to an error count in the 90% range. What are your thoughts ? Maybe I am overlooking something ? Thank you, Craig
Vadim @StresStimulus Administrator Posts: 583
To research the issue I need a bit more information. Do you use parameterization on ASP.NET pages? We made a fix of ViewState correlation with parameterization that is expected to be released tomorrow. So if this is the case, the fix may resolve the issue.
Other than that, can you check what kind of errors server sends? Look at the test sessions in Fiddler. By comparing requests and response errors you may be able to troubleshoot whether errors are caused by wrong requests or by the server (which is unlikely since before the server worked fine). To display test sessions make two temporary changes: • In Load Test Configuration -> Other Options -> in Add Load Test Sessions to Fiddler group select All users. • In StresStimulus Options -> uncheck Purge response bodies.
Try to replicate the errors with a fewer VUs for simplicity. Please let me know what you found, so I can look into this further.
Cheers, -Vadim
Craig Okata Posts: 4
Hi Vadim, Thank you for your response. I am not using parameterization, and I have changed the settings as suggested. Now, the results are a little different. I am no longer seeing any http errors in the Test Summary, but, I have noticed that when I choose a run duration of 999 (the maximum), which is what I have been using, it seems to hang the system. When I choose a lower but specific run duration, (like 50), it runs fine. Either way, the resource monitor seems to show fiddler as the highest resource in use. I will be trying to re-install the original version to see if I can restore the previous results. I'll let you know. Thank you for your assistance, Craig
Vadim @StresStimulus Administrator Posts: 583
Thanks for the update Craig.
If you do not see http errors in the Test Summary or in Fiddler grid, for that matter, it means that the issue with the server errors is no longer there.
On resource consumption: this is a different matter. Substantial increase in resource consumption is caused by the two settings that I suggested. They are mainly used for troubleshooting and should not be used on long or high-load tests. The first settings loads all test session to the Fiddled grid, which is a slow operation and is unnecessary for most tests. The second settings loads all response bodies in memory that is also unnecessary for most tests. My apology that I did not make it clear. Revert both of these settings, and this will reduce the resource consumption. This is relevant for either current or previous version of StresStimulus. The reverting these settings will not create server errors. If after that you will not see server errors, then the issue is resolved altogether. In this case, re-installing the previous version may be unnecessary.
Please let me know how it went.
Cheers, -Vadim
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