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StresStimulus .csv file reference stuck. Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 29

Posts: 29
Version 5.8.8685 x64 CLR 4.0

I created a .csv with a bunch of test users and passwords to use but I forgot to add the domain column. When I tried to import the file under authentication I ran into the exception below.

StresStimulus has encountered an unexpected error while processing the following .csv file:

Error Details: The file must have 3 columns: Domain, UserName and Password.

I then edited the .csv file and added the Domain column, saved it and tried to import the file again however I get the same error.
I then closed the test case and re-opened it and tried again but still get the same error.
I then renamed the csv file with the 3 required columns to a different name and tried to import that with the same error reported.
I then closed the StresStimulus application itself, re-opened it, opened the test case and tried to import the .csv file with the same error reported.
As a sanity check I created a new .csv with the three required columns (but no entries) and tried to import that. This time SS complains that the file has no data. Good. Then I try and import the original updated .csv file and we are back at the "File must have 3 columns" error.

It appears that StresStimulus does not forget of refresh a .csv file once imported, even after the application has been restarted.

Not knowing what else to do I rebooted the host but still the problem persist.
I then resorted to creating a totally new .csv with the required columns and entries but still the error persists.

What to do?

Please investigate this issue.
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