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StresStimulus and Silverlight App
Jeremy Sutton Posts: 2
I'm working on a PoC for a Silverlight application for my company and continually run into an issue while recording.
I've tested this multiple times, on multiple machines to eliminate this error being caused by the machine, or the application being tested.
I'm using the latest version (Trial) of StresStimulus (4.2.5736). Tested on a Windows 7 machine, and a Windows Server 2012 machine. The software being tested is Optimist, developed by Sunguard.
Any help would be beneficial to me, and StresStimulus, because right now I cannot recommend this software without a completed PoC.
Max @StresStimulus Administrator Posts: 101
Hello Jeremy. Thanks for reporting the issue. StresStimulus supports Silverlight, and SunGard is our customer, so we should be able to resolve this issue. I have a few questions/suggestions: 1. Your screenshot displays Optimist error that happens during StresStimulus recording. Can you replicate this error when you do not use StresStimulus? 2. If you access Optimist via SSL/TLS, did you enable HTTPS as is described here 3. Does this error occur after a successful login, or your login fails. 4. If you are using stand-alone StresStimulus, try using StresStimulus with Fiddler, as it has more diagnostic and please post back if you see any additional warnings/errors. Let me know how it goes.
Cheers. Max
Jeremy Sutton Posts: 2
Hello Max, and thank you for the reply.
Re. #1: I cannot replicate this error when not recording. I've attempted this several times with different machines to be sure it's actually StresStimulus.
Re. #2: I did not enable HTTPS because the protocol we're using is HTTP. I can attempt to enable HTTPS and re-record a test to see.
Re. #3: StresStimulus successfully records every action until I open a record (called a Borrower in Optimist). Only when I execute this step while recording does Optimist fail. At this point, all Optimist is doing is loading the borrower information, then before the borrower information is displayed, it fails.
Re. #4: I will attempt to use StresStimulus with Fiddler and let you know.
Thank you for the help!
Max @StresStimulus Administrator Posts: 101
Jeremy, Thanks for the update. I suggest to enable HTTPS because depending on the application, some requests may be encrypted while this is not always obvious. Just to clarify, StresStimulus recorder is a proxy with recording capability that is not supposed to modify traffic. When used with Fiddler, StresStimulus recorder uses Fiddler proxy that has more robust diagnostic. I suggest troubleshooting this error, by comparing the session that opens a Borrower record with and without recording. I would be happy to assist you with this if you are available for an online support session. I just sent you a private message with a link for scheduling the WebEx session at a convenient time, in case you this will work for you. Let me know how it goes, Cheers, -Max
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