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Stressstimulus+Fiddler on a silverlight applicatio
Maddy Posts: 8
Hello Team,
I am trying to record a silverlight application using Stressstimulus (4.5) and Fiddler. I can see warnings after the script runs and looks like they are related to dynamic values. I can see a GUID which is dynamic but the first place where it occurs is a request header. Auto correlation was done by Stressstimulus at the request where it occurred in the response body.But after the script is verified it says -The extractor is not found in the response. Since client-side code gets executed in Silverlight and that can include the custom logic of storing dynamic server values and re-injecting them to requests when required, I am confused as to how to handle this GUID. Also, I see few other requests for which response body says -You do not have permission to view this directory or page. Please let me know what I could be doing wrong.
As the project is in a critical phase, would really appreciate an early response.
Max @StresStimulus Administrator Posts: 101
It is hard to know exactly what's going on without looking at your test case but I can make a few suggestions. You mentioned that this GUID is auto-correlated by StresStimulus but you are getting a The extractor is not found in the response warning. This usually happens when there is an error in a previous response. One thing I can suggest is to resolve errors sequentially, meaning don't look at response B until response A is good. Another point is since this GUID is auto-correlated by StresStimulus, then it most likely comes from the server response, so client-side code should not have any impact on this value.
If you have active support you can email your question to to get further assistance.
Maddy Posts: 8
Hi Max,
Thanks a lot for your early response! "This usually happens when there is an error in a previous response." I believe this could be one of the reasons for failed test case. I checked with my dev manager about that particular GUID. He said that it should be generated from client side. So, I am confused. I am new to StressStimulus too. Is there a way you can look at my test case. Thanks
Max @StresStimulus Administrator Posts: 101
Maddy, You can upload your test to our secure support repository as described in item 8 here so we can take a look. Also, I emailed you a link for scheduling a WebEx support session. Looking forward to assisting you there.
Maddy Posts: 8
Max, Thanks a lot for the WebEx session. Appreciate your help!. That helped us in resolving the issue by creating data generators for the GUIDs generated at the client side.
Max @StresStimulus Administrator Posts: 101
You're welcome. You were right that those GUID's were client based and needed data generators and not extractors. This is not very typical and therefore caused a little confusion. Glad we were able to help.
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