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Several questions about test cases Messages in this topic - RSS

Frank Alviani
Frank Alviani
Posts: 7

Frank Alviani
Frank Alviani
Posts: 7
I have several test case usage questions about StressStimulus:

1) I have a number of test cases that need to be combined in different ways. Let's call them A, B C for simplicity, and I need combinations ABC, BAC, CBA, etc. If I save A, B, and C separately, how can I combine them into single combined test cases?

2) I will be running load test cases from a number of computers. Are saved test cases linked to the IP of the machine where they were created - that is, can they only be run from that machine? If they are, is there a way to edit the IP so they can be run from other machines?

Thanks in advance,
Frank Alviani
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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
Hi Frank,

On your first  question: in order to run test scenarios ABC, BAC and CBA you would need to create a new combined test case for each. For example, to create ABC:

  1. Open Test A in StresStimulus.

  2. Using the Fiddler menu, open the .saz file from the test B. By default the .saz file will be in \Fiddler2\StresStimulus folder.

  3. Similarly open the .saz file from the test C. The Sessions from all 3 test scenarios will be added to the Fiddler grids in the desired order.

  4. Click “Set Test Case All” to set all 3 test scenarios as one test case.

  5. Click “Save As” in StresStimulus menu to save the new ABC test that combines 3 scenarios.

Repeat steps 1-5 for BAC and CBA to create two additional tests. 

On your second question: saved test cases are not linked to the IP of the client machine where they were created and therefore can run from any machine within your network than can access the same web servers that you are testing.

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Frank Alviani
Frank Alviani
Posts: 7

Frank Alviani
Frank Alviani
Posts: 7
Thanks - that's exactly what I was looking for.
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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
You are welcome, Frank.
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Frank Alviani
Frank Alviani
Posts: 7

Frank Alviani
Frank Alviani
Posts: 7
An additional question has come up about combining test cases.  From your description of the process above, am I correct in thinking that the settings for "think time" time, etc. apply to all of the combined tests? It appears that each iteration of the test is for A immediately followed by B followed by C. Correct?
 Is it possible to set up a single combined script so that test A runs for a set amount of time (say 90 minutes), then test B runs for a set amount of time (say 60 minutes), followed by test C running for another amount of time (say 45 minutes)?
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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
Hi Frank,
Below are the answers to your questions:
From your description of the process above, am I correct in thinking that the settings for "think time" time, etc. apply to all of the combined tests?

By combining sessions from 3 cases, you in effect are creating a new combined test case. As such, all settings that have a scope of the entire test case (e.g., “Do not use think time”) apply to to all of the combined tests. Those settings, however, that have the scope of individual requests (e.g., “Use recorded think time”) will preserve the originally recorded A, B and C data.
It appears that each iteration of the test is for A immediately followed by B followed by C. Correct?

Yes. All requests from the combined test case must be issued before the next iteration starts.
Is it possible to set up a single combined script so that test A runs for a set amount of time (say 90 minutes), then test B runs for a set amount of time (say 60 minutes), followed by test C running for another amount of time (say 45 minutes)?

It seems to be similar to running the three independent tests one after another. Thus, it becomes more of an automation task. Currently StresStimulus supports the launching of one test from a command line (v0.9 Release: Part 3 - More complete Test, item #4). So, the answer to your question is that it is currently not possible.  
I wonder, if StresStimulus would support an automation script that can launch multiple tests sequentially, would it be a solution for your task.
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