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Run tests with unique data Messages in this topic - RSS

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514
We need to run several tests using unique data, for example for creating new record which need unique identifier / ID number. Otherwise system will keep rejecting the inserts by saying duplicated record. 
Is there any way to work out for such requirement? 
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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
To test performance of your application with unique test data, use .csv datasets and parameterization.  First, create a test dataset containing unique values in the fields that do not allow duplicates. To do so, you may use auto- increment data, or random data generator. If records with duplicate values exist, delete them.

In order to feed unique data into your application use one of the following two methods.

A. Clearing data: After every test-run, delete the test data from the application database before running the same Test again. 
B. Substituting test data:

  1. Make sure that your dataset is large enough for running multiple tests. Break it down into several CSV files (by the number of required test runs).

  2. Configure the test parameterization using the first CSV file and save the Test. Run the first test and close the Test.

  3. Locate in the Fiddler/StresStimulus folder (or another folder where you saved your Test) the dataset file(s) that have the following name: <Test_Name>_<Dataset_Name(s)>.csv. Before the subsequent test-run, remove this file and replace it with the second CSV file that must have the same name. Re-open the Test and run it again. The second run will use the new unique data. Make sure that for each subsequent test-run you replace the CSV file.

If you use multiple test machines, then you need to use modified method B. After deploying the Test to the other machines as described here, substitute the dataset file(s) on every machine with the file(s) containing unique data.
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