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Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514
We are planning to measure the real time performance of our application using StresStimulus at regular intervals. I see there exist a command line interface to execute the Test scripts, however there are couple of open questions. Please help us.
1. Is there a way we could store the test results to MySQL DB (or even into an Excel file in a parsable format) instead of SQL server (since we use only MySQL DB)?

2. Can we extract summary information of each run at transaction level from DB?

3. Also we are interested in DNS resolutions time/SSL Handshake times for each request and transaction level. Is there a way we could get them from DB?

4. Are there any add-on that would send out email when Test Scripts fails (Missed goals, other failures)?
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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566
1. Currently we do not support MySQL. This can be potentially developed. By default, StresStimulus stores data in SQL CE on the controller and on every agent. The summary data are stored on the controller. Each test run is stored in a separate SQL CE file. I know that you can query it from Visual Studio, but there may other ways.
2. Summary information is stored in the TestSummary table.
3. The DNS resolution for load test is difficult to emulate by the following reasons: once DNS is resolved for the first VU, it is cached on the load generator. All subsequent VUs on the same LG will query the cache. You can measure DNS resolution for the first VU manually as follows.
clear DNS cache (ipconfig /flushdns)
open StresStimulus in Fiddler
run Verify
in fiddler grid note the DNS resolution time (
4. No. With command line interface, you can run your own batch or power shell script which will send emails. First you need to define test failed conditions as described here After that, if test is failed the command line call will return an error code described here
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