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Requests exceeding 8k are truncated in the test result
Unregistered User Posts: 514
I’m using a licensed version of StresStimulus to do some load testing on a SAP BPC server. I’m trying to run load tests based on a capture sequence that generates both long requests and long server responses. However when I try to view and save these requests/responses with Show Test Results – All Requests - and save them to disk - I find that the requests contents appear to be getting truncated at 7636 bytes. I’m presuming this is due to using SQL Server Compact, which imposes an 8K row size limit.
Is there a way around this to get the full requests/responses generated? Is there any chance you might change the column definition for the request/response body to use [n]varchar(max)?
Vadim @StresStimulus Administrator Posts: 583
To resolve this issue, in StresStimulus menu, select Options, and in the “Purge response bodies” drop-down select None. This will change datatype in the SQL server CE table to “image” and will remove the limitation of varchar.
As a consequence, however, the test result data will be saved not efficiently, and the 4 GB storage limit of SQL server CE may be insufficient for storing long tests. This limitation will not affect your tests if they are not too long.
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