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questions about performance counters Messages in this topic - RSS

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 509

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 509
The questions below where copied from this post to start a new discussion for better searchability. 

Would you please answer me the following questions?
1, In the test result I can see the Performance Counters with a graph. It contains Total and Fiddler processor Time and Virtual Bytes. Is there any other place where I can see the same result with detail statistic table?
2, My understanding is Total processor is CPU usage in all, including all processes running in current computer. Fiddler processor means how much usage the Fiddler process occupies. If I'm correct, I have question. From one test result of my websites, there is a spot that Fiddler processor time is bigger than Total processor time, what does it mean?
3, Is there any way to see windows performance counters on the Server via StresStimulus?

Thank you in advance.
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