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Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514
We have been running the StresStimulus test scenario from one machine (The controller machine) and it runs as expected.
But we observed a different behaviour when we ran the ‘mixed’ test scenario from 3 injector machines (3 Load injectors including the controller machine)
( ‘Mixed’ test scenario where we added several other test cases/ testcase groups)

One of the scripts is set to pick new record/row from dataset for each iteration by each Vuser.
The script runs as expected when it runs from one machine and without adding other testcase group . The Vusers picks up the new row from dataset during each iteration and create unique application record.

During the ‘mixed’ test scenario run, the Vusers picked up the one of the record from the data set that has already been used by either the same Vuser or other Vuser.
Hence, the test ended up creating duplicate records.
Please refer the data binding method below.
Could you please advise and let me know if you need any further detail.

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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566
It sounds like your test has multiple test cases and multiple load agents. To ensure you are using unique records on every iteration, do the following steps:
  • Add a column to your data set called "LoadInjector"
  • Populate this column with the load agent name that this data row will bind to. For example: if you have three load injectors (Local, LI1, LI2), every cell's value in this column will be either Local, LI1, LI2. In this step, you are distributing the rows of the dataset between all load agents. Make sure you give enough rows to each load agent to ensure uniqueness.
  • In the property grid, set the Agent-binding column property to LoadInjector.
  • Set the VU-to-row mapping column (
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