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parameterization URLs in RESTful websites Messages in this topic - RSS

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514

I have one question about a feature that you mention but don’t go over how to implement. That is in this blog post: item number 9. You give the sample URL of and then save that you can replace item01. Where is this done in the UI?
Another question is if you have for example: and you only wanted to replace item01, would it preserve whatever came afterwards? 

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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
Here are the steps to parameterize URLs in RESTful websites:

1. Create a data source or an extractor.

2. In the fiddler grid select the GET request that you need to parameterize.

3. Click Requests in the Test Case –> Parameterization section. The URL will appear in the Parameterization Editor.

4. Select a  part of the URL that you need to parameterize (“item01” in this case).

5. Right-click and select the data source or the extractor. The recorded part of the URL will be replaced with the data source or extractor.

As you can see, you can replace any part of the URL.

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