Charles Durrant Posts: 8
Hi, I noted the multiple test case feature. I see that a test file can contain many individual test cases but does it do the following: Let's say I have the following test cases: 1) Login 2) Logout 3) Add record 4) Delete record 4) Search records I would like to not duplicate code so I'd like to have a 'test case' that runs other test cases sequentially i.e. a) 1 - Login, 2 Add Record, 3 Logout b) 1- Login, 2 Delete Record, 3 Logout c) 1 - Login, 2 Search Records, 3 Logout With the above my login and logout cases are never duplicated and if the site login changes I only have to change the test case logic in one place? I'm a little confused by the muliple test case feature, it seems that it is smply a container for test cases - I'm probably being very stupid and not understanding it...! Charlie
Vadim @StresStimulus Administrator Posts: 583
Charlie, Currently, multiple test cases are used mainly to emulate different categories of users, concurrently accessing a website. For example, in an e-commerce website, the 1-st category is the shoppers browsing the catalog, and the 2-nd category is the shoppers placing orders. StresStimulus will mix test cases by executing them concurrently. What you need, is a sequential execution of the test cases. Such mix model is not supported yet, and will be developed in the future. I actually posted this feature request to the "Suggestions & Feature Requests" forum. For now, I can offer you a workaround that can help to avoid repetitive recording of the user actions that you want to reuse in multiple tests.
- Record several scenarios (e.g. Add record, Delete record, Search records, etc.) as separate test and save the sets of sessions that you wish to reuse, as separate saz files.
- Then, create a Test that includes only login and logout steps. Make several copies, as it will be used as a base test for your future tests.
- After that, open a base test, open required saz file in the Fiddler and drag-and-drop saz sessions to the base test as described in the item 9 of this post
I know that this is not exactly what you want, but this hint can save you time to configure multiple tests.
Cheers, -Vadim
Chandu Posts: 1
We are also interest in same scenario you are facing can you pls let me know whether it was possible to acheive the requirement using the above steps.
Vadim Kleyzit said:
Charlie, Currently, multiple test cases are used mainly to emulate different categories of users, concurrently accessing a website. For example, in an e-commerce website, the 1-st category is the shoppers browsing the catalog, and the 2-nd category is the shoppers placing orders. StresStimulus will mix test cases by executing them concurrently. What you need, is a sequential execution of the test cases. Such mix model is not supported yet, and will be developed in the future. I actually posted this feature request to the "Suggestions & Feature Requests" forum. For now, I can offer you a workaround that can help to avoid repetitive recording of the user actions that you want to reuse in multiple tests.
- Record several scenarios (e.g. Add record, Delete record, Search records, etc.) as separate test and save the sets of sessions that you wish to reuse, as separate saz files.
- Then, create a Test that includes only login and logout steps. Make several copies, as it will be used as a base test for your future tests.
- After that, open a base test, open required saz file in the Fiddler and drag-and-drop saz sessions to the base test as described in the item 9 of this post
I know that this is not exactly what you want, but this hint can save you time to configure multiple tests.
Cheers, -Vadim