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Multi-machine test rig
Unregistered User Posts: 514
We trial StresStimulus to test performance of a massive insurance app system. We'd like to know how we can customize a test scenario based on one recorded test case, and run it from a number of PCs. Is it possible?
Vadim @StresStimulus Administrator Posts: 583
To run a Test from multiple machines follow these steps:
- Install Fiddler and StresStimulus on all these machines.
- Record and configure a test and save it on one machine as, let say TestName. It will create a set of files with the TestName prefix and various extensions (.ssconfig, .saz, .csv and .sspar). The test files will be saved in the default folder Fiddler /StresStimulus, that you can change it.
- Copy the set of the TestName.* files from the first machined to the same folder on all other machines. You can create a batch file that automatically distributes the test files after any changes.
- Launch the test simultaneously on all the machines either manually or from the command line:
Fiddler.exe /SS [/quiet ] TestName.ssconfig where /quiet is a switch to run Fiddler in quiet mode. Specify a full path to TestName.ssconfig or the default directory /Fiddler/StresStimulus will be used. For better automation, execute these commands remotely from a single batch file.
- During the test all machines will show performance graphs with similar results. So visually monitoring, for example response time, on one machine will give you a pretty good idea what other machines’ graphs showing.
- After the test completion each machine will create its own reports. All data including underlying graph data can be saved in Excel or .csv format. To consolidate the result across machines, these files can be merged manually.
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