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Managing Test Case Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 27

Posts: 27
Once I upload test cases in Managing Test Case, and move those test cases in different location, that should n't effect the scripts in Managing Test Cases ..right?

And If I want to upload an updated version of test case then I delete that test case in Managing Test Case and upload the new one ..right?

What ever test cases are in Manging Test Case has, it keeps the copy of them ..right? even if I delete those test cases from the folder from where I uploaded , Managing Test Case has copy of it ..right?
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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566
Let me make sure I understand your question. I believe you are saying the following:

You have several test cases stored in the test, A.ssconfig, for example, in its original locations. The test cases were imported into the test B.ssconfig. After that, you moved A.ssconfig to a different location.
You are correct that this will not affect test B because during import StresStimulus copies the test cases from A to B as described here. You are also correct that you can delete the test cases from A and reimport their new version from B.

There is also another way of linking test cases to a test. You can create a test solution where you can keep a single copy of all test cases to be referenced in tests. When a change in the test case is made, it automatically changes all the tests that reference it.

- Cheers
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