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load testing a web service
Liz Trojan Posts: 3
I am working on load testing for a web service. I'm sending XML over HTTP. I need to set a unique UUID for each message. I'm not familiar enough with StresStimulusto know if it's capable of injecting a unique UUID in each message. Any suggestions for how to accomplish this? <XMLmessage messageId="9eadaca8-2f6b-49a3-b8fd-c25890ca50db"> <core:control> <Network>ESPN</Network> </core:control> </XMLmessage>
Vadim @StresStimulus Administrator Posts: 583
Hi Liz,
Currently StresStimulus supports auto parameterization of POST and GET requests that are in name/value pair format. Users can data-bound fields of dynamic webpages to any number of attached datasets using StresStimulus UI without scripting.
StresStimulus also supports load testing of Web services over HTTP by replaying recorded XML–based requests. However, to parameterize an XML message you need to use fiddler scripting capability to modify requests. The custom script should parse XML message and inject unique UUID to messageId field. Once saved in fiddler, it will parameterize requests from StresStimulus load engine. Support for auto parameterization of SOAP messages is on our feature request list.
What type of Web service are you testing?
Cheers, -Vadim
Liz Trojan Posts: 3
Hi Vadim, Thanks for the speedy reply. The web service that I'm testing has to do with dynamic insertion of advertising content into streaming video. The XML messages are defined by an industry spec, SCTE 130 Part 3(Digital Program Insertion - Advertising Systems Interfaces, Ad Management Service Interface). The service listensfor <PlacementRequest> XML message and responds with <PlacementResponse> messages. I have some scripts that generate these messages and parse the responses. However, the scripts don't have the convenient load features that are built into StresStimulus. For the moment I think the auto parameterization feature will be adequate if I can figure out how to use it. Is there any documentation? In the near future I will be looking for a way to send and receive SOAP messages. Liz
Vadim @StresStimulus Administrator Posts: 583
I looked at the <PlacementRequest> message schema in ANSI/SCTE 130-3 2010. Auto-parameterization in StresStimulus currently can inject custom datasets into HTTP request messages that have name/value pair format. This covers a broad range of dynamic web pages. However, PlacementRequest message seems to be outside of this range. Therefore I thought that creating a custom script in Fiddler may be a way around in your case (at least until we develop support for auto-parameterization XML messages).
Fiddler allows creating script to modify any HTTP client request (while I cannot determine how easy it would be in your case.) In particular, you can create a script that parses request (as a string or XML document) and inserts UID values (from a dataset or generated on-the-fly) into messageId. Due to tight integration with StresStimulus, this script will seamlessly modify all load testing requests automatically. You do not need to use any StresStimulus specific documentation.
Fiddler scripting documentation is provided at You probably would need to use the OnBeforeRequest method. Do not know how much would you be able to reuse your existing script that generates requests, but Fiddled provides good compatibility with .NET assemblies.
Hope this will help.
Liz Trojan Posts: 3
I'll see if I can figure out how to generate the UUIDs using fiddler script. Thanks Vadim. Liz
Vadim @StresStimulus Administrator Posts: 583
You are welcome, Liz. -Vadim
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