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Issue with WebSocketSession Element in XML Schema Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 3

Posts: 3
Hi everyone,
When recording and validating a script that includes WebSocket sessions, I am receiving the following errors in the script editor:
Line: 10, Position: 8 "The element 'Transaction' has invalid child element 'WebSocketSession'." List of possible elements expected: 'SessionContainer, Loop, Transaction, Session, Action, Rendezvous, ResetConnections, Condition, While, Page, SetCookie, Delay, Comment, AbortIteration, Validators'."
Line: 13, Position: 10 "The element 'Page' has invalid child element 'WebSocketSession'.

It appears that the XML schema does not contain the WebSocketSession or WebSocketFrame elements, which results in validation errors whenever WebSocket sessions are recorded as part of the script.

Note: When I record HTTP requests, the script is recorded and validated in the Script Editor without any errors. Issue is only, when recording WebSocket requests, it says elements are not supported in the schema.
Has anyone else encountered this issue? If so, how did you resolve it? Is there an update or workaround available to include WebSocket sessions and frames in the XML schema correctly?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 567

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 567
The screenshot suggests that the script editor detected a mismatch between the test configuration XML script and the internal .xsd schema for validating manually written customer XML. The validation message is a warning caused by the .xsd schema not being updated. However, it can be ignored. It does not affect the WebSocket operation. For optimal use, we advise using the script editor only for manually created XML. If your XML was created through the UI, using the script editor is unnecessary, as the automatically created XML is always correct. This will help streamline your workflow.

Support for web sockets has been significantly upgraded in StresStimulus v6.0 (currently in public beta and will be released later this month). The .xsd schema will also be updated at that time.

- Cheers
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Posts: 3

Posts: 3
Hi George,

Thank you for the information. I appreciate the clarification regarding the schema warning.

I would like to mention that the script in the script editor which is currently failing, was created automatically when we recorded the WebSocket traffic using StressStimulus 6.0. It was not manually created. Despite this, the script is failing.

The reason for validating the auto-recorded script was that we think it's affecting WebSocket operations. Initially, a few auto-Correlations are working fine and correct parameters are passed as part of the requests. However, after a few WebSocket requests, the extractors in auto-correlation are fetching the correct values, but when passing the parameter value to the requests, the opening quotation mark is missing. We suspect this could be a tool issue, as we found that the script recorded was failing to validate.