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How to reach Max users with at least one complete iteration for each one?
Patricia Coronel Posts: 32
Hi Vadim, I am trying to run 150 users, with the patterns: Load pattern Start VU: 1 Step VU increase: 1 Step Duration: 1 sec Max VU: 150u Test Duration: Reaching Max Users Warm up: 5sec When I go to iteration details, I can see that the last 75 users, the 50% of my load, cannot complete one iteration. How can I run a test that all the 150 users complete at least one iteration? Am I doing something wrong? Thanks! regards, Patricia
Patricia Coronel Posts: 32
Maybe I have to use Number of Iterations and set it to 150?
Vadim @StresStimulus Administrator Posts: 583
Setting the number of iterations to 150 will accomplish your objective only if you use constant load pattern with all 150 VU starting at the same time. With the step load pattern you should use “Run Duration” Test Completion criteria. First 150 sec is necessary for the last VU start its iteration. After that you need to give it a sufficient time to complete this iteration. If the anticipated iteration time with 150 concurrent VU is T on average, then set your test duration equal T +150s. To estimate T you can either guess it or try to estimate by running first 150 VUs test with constant load pattern and the number of iterations is set to to150 (as described in the first paragraph). Cheers, -Vadim
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