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How to parameterize Authorization header? Messages in this topic - RSS

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 509

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 509
Trying to record against the MicroFocus demo site

I’m attempting to use StressStimulus to record against the Micro Focus demo site, and am having issues with extractors.

During a test run obtains a value that differs from the record-time value. (This is expected, as I’m playing back with a different user to the recording user.):

I have modified step #37 to use this extracted value:

but when I attempt to reuse it during a later step, it still uses the recorded value:

Can you advise how I can fix this, please? Is there something incorrect in the way I’m specifying the replacement of the recorded value with the extracted one? Note that parameterising the CartID in the same request works fine. Thanks!
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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 555

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 555
It looks like you are trying to parameterize Authorization header by using an extractor. Let me share a couple of thoughts in regard with this:

Authorization is a special request header that is used to submit user credentials. This application uses basic authentication. It means that web browser populates this header with Base64 encoding of the recorded user password.
On playback, StresStimulus emulate the same behavior. It takes a password assigned to every virtual user, encodes it and populates Authorization request header. Because of that, it will ignore all parameters created manually. Therefore your parameter is ignored by design.
User password should not be determined by using extractors. Instead it should be predefined. By default, all virtual users will use the same credentials entered in the authentication grid – see Server Authentication section on this page

In order to create different credentials for different VUs, enter more different credentials into the Authentication grid . VU1 will use the 1st row from the authentication grid, VU2 will use the 2nd row, etc.
When you run Verify you can select which VU you want to emulate

If you verify with VU2, then Authorization header on replay will be different from the recorded value.

Hope this clarifies the behavior you will help to achieve what you need.
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