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How to configure a load in StresStimulus
Unregistered User Posts: 514
Can I set request per second parameter to test a web server? How to increase request per second parameter?
Vadim @StresStimulus Administrator Posts: 583
There are several configuration parameters that can be used to configure load in StresStimulus, i.e. number of virtual users, think time, size of your test case, minimum iteration duration (pacing). StresStimulus emulates physical users which send subsequent requests after receiving previous responses from the server. Because of that you cannot guarantee a fixed request per second value because it will depend on your server's ability to return responses. StresStimulus includes the requests per second on the report. You can increase request per second using one of the following techniques: - increase the number of virtual users; - set think time to zero; - set delay between iterations to zero; - increase number of requests in the test case; - Emulate fast network (LAN). Please keep in mind that following factors might limit your request per second - ability of your server to quickly return responses; - if you use very large number of virtual users, your test machine can be overloaded. In this case, the health monitor light on the progress bar will turn from green to yellow or red. If this happens, you need to use more load agents.
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