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How to combine multiple load profiles Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 5

Posts: 5
I realise there is the option of custom load pattern which governs the total number of VUs running, but is there a way to only run certain scripts at certain times?

A classic example of the sort of thing I'm after is the following:

3x scripts running at a low load level as "background noise" (typical daily usage).
Have this running for a period to gauge normal behaviour, and only THEN introduce a further script.
e.g. High volume or high impact scenario (we want to judge how this impacts the regular users).

Could this somehow be achieved by having 2 test profiles, but with one delayed so that it only starts 30 mins into the overall test?

Typically something like a fixed load for 2 hours, but with a stepped load added in after the first half hour.

Another example would be a fixed load running for 2 hours but with a brief spike test running every half hour "over the top" of the fixed load.

Another way to look at this would be that you are overlaying one load pattern over the top of another.

I've seen this sort of configuration available in other load testing tools, but how could it be approached in StresStimulus?

Thanks in advance, Ian.
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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566
To implement this requirement, you need to use the test object Tier feature available in v5.6.
Assign Tier 1 to your background test objects and Tier 2 to your other test objects.
I will update the thread shortly when complete documentation is available.

- Cheers
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Posts: 5

Posts: 5
Thanks, I've already had a "play" with the beta version and seem to have fathomed out how to do it. The new feature certainly lets me achieve what I want.


4VUs background noise running 2 scripts both set as "Tier 1" for 2 mins.
6VUs running 3rd script set as "Tier 2" as a ramped load.

Potentially also dropping back down to the original "Tier 1" 4VUs for a period.
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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566
StresStimulus v5.6 has been officially released. The Tiers feature is documented here.

- Cheers
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