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How to analyze the result from Stresstimulus Messages in this topic - RSS

Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Posts: 14


  • How to analyze the result from Stresstimulus Load Test Report.

  • Attached with my result, can anyone explain how is this app. working

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Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Posts: 14

For the above test case i have chosen Browser Type as "Firefox", but report says Browser Type as "IE9"
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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
This section of the documentation describes how to analyze load test reports :

We cannot replicate reporting IE9 when Firefox is selected. Are you sure that you selected Firefox? If you want your test configuration to be checked, there is "Inspect my test"  tool, located in the StresStimulus main menu ->  Support Options.  It allows to upload your test to our secure Support Repository, so we can examine it and provide an answer or recommend  a solution. 

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Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Posts: 14

i have uploaded that file
But not sure whether that has been uploaded or not.
Because i could see the upload promt in the beginning but not sure at the end.
Let me know in case you did not receive my uploads.
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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
I inspected your. The browser on the summary report is Firefox, as you selected.
There is an issue with your test configuration. You selected the following settings
Test Parameters
Test Case Mix: Test Case 1 (5); Test Case 2 (5); Test Case 3 (5); Test Case 4 (5); Test Case 5 (5); Test Case 6 (5); Test Case 7 (7); Test Case 8 (8)
Description: GLAMS4
Run Name: G4FLOWS
Load pattern: Step load
Start with: 1 user(s)
Increase by: 1 user(s)
Every: 1 second(s)
Maximum: 40 user(s)
Browser Type: Firefox
Network Type: LAN
Complete after: reaching max users
Warm-up time: 10 seconds
According to your settings, the duration of your test will be 40 seconds plus wait time to receive all issued requests (see http://support.stresstimulus.com/display/doc37/Load-Pattern  and  http://support.stresstimulus.com/display/doc37/Reaching+Max+VUs
This time is insufficient because you have 8 test cases included into a Test Case Group for sequential execution (see http://support.stresstimulus.com/display/doc37/Sequential+Test+Case+Groups )
So because of the quick VUs ramp up in your step load, your test stopped before all the test cases were executed.
Here's how to fix it: In the section Test Duration, change parameter After the Time Elapsed from Wait for responses to Wait for iteration to complete (shown below).

Does this make sense?
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Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Posts: 14

Vadim - 

I have done as per your changes, and received 2 errors and there was a promt opened to Send error report, so i have sent those for your reference. Could you have a look on those.
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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
I can't find it. Did you provide your name when you submitted the error report?
I sent you a link for scheduling a support web conference at a convenient time. Please feel free to use it and we will check your test.
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Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Posts: 14

Vadim - 

Hi This is the error which i got as per changed you suggested in the above reply.

Kartheeswaran Ramasamy said:

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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
Hi Kartheeswaran,

Please install the latest version. it will not give you this error.
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Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Posts: 14

Yes Vadim, i have tried to update the version by using Check for update option, but its giving the below error.
What i suppose to do.

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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
Please follow the message recommendation to update again in three minutes.  StresStimulus update  returns this message when the previous check for update was performed less than three minutes ago. it is necessary to protect  against load testing StresStimulus update requests.
Alternatively you can download and re-install v3.7 
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