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Splitting VUs across multiple scenarios Messages in this topic - RSS

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514
Hi -
I am new to StresStimulus.
I have 5 scenarios and recorded those from my application by using this tool.
I just want to split the VUs for each scenarios that needs to be executed continuously.
Like, 5 VUs for 5(steps) and
      5 VUs for next 5 steps and so on.
Could you please assist me with this. Its an urgent requirement.

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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
In StresStimulus each scenario is recorded as a separate test case, which appears in the Build Test Case-> Multiple Test Cases section.
Every test case has a Mix Weight configuration property. VUs are distributed between the Test Cases proportionately to their Mix Weights. So, in order to split all VUs between 5 test cases evenly, set the mix weight to 1 in every test case, as described here
Instead of value 1, you can also use the value of 20% (without % sign).  You can also set mix weight to the actual number of VUs. For example, if you set up 25 VUs in the test, then the mix weight for every test case should be equal to 5.
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Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Posts: 14

Thanks Vadim.
i need this trial version for some 4 days.
is any possibilities to make this.
this would be better for us for learning and would think about to buy.'
The trial period which you gave us was not enough.
Please do this needful.
edited by admin on 12/29/2016
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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
Sure. You should receive an email from our Customer Care department with your trial extension.

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Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Posts: 14

Thanks a lot Vadim.
This will be surely helpful.
We will get back to you if we have any concerns.

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Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Posts: 14

Hi -

What happened with this page.
It was useful.
But not able to access now.
Can someone help with this.
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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
I can access this page now. Not sure what happened when you tried.
Will pass this info to IT.
Thanks for reporting the issue!
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Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Posts: 14

Yes, now i can.
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Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Posts: 14

Hi Vadim -
Yes, now i am able to run Stresstimulus without any errors.
I want to do performance testing for 8 Test Cases. All 3 VUs need to execute the 8 test cases.
What are the steps do i need to follow,because when i tried to execute it ran only for 3 test cases.
I have attached the results for your reference.
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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
Hi Kartheeswaran,
By default, test cases are executed in parallel. You need to execute them sequentially. To do so, create a Test Case Groups that combines 8 Test Cases in the required order, as described here  

After that every VU will execute all 8 Test Cases in this order.
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Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Posts: 14

Yes , i have done with that part.
I am struggling with the below steps for my above queries.
Under " Configure Test "
what are parameter do i need to choose for my previous requirement(I want to do performance testing for 8 Test Cases. All 3 VUs need to execute the 8 test cases.).
Little bit of confusion to choose the options under " Configure Test " part.
Let me know a way to proceed.
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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
Select a steady load or step load pattern, depending which one you need, as described here

Then select the primary test completion condition as Number of Iterations, Run Duration or Reaching Max Users, as described here

And finally select the secondary test completion condition as Stop the Test, Wait for Responses or Wait for Iteration to Complete.
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Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Posts: 14

Yes, while following those steps i am struggling again as per some step in that documentation.
Please find the attachment for those differences.
If the primary test completion condition is Number of Iterations, then the secondary is always Wait for Iteration to Complete.
I have selected the Number of Iterations as "Test completion Condition" but the above 2ndary option is not coming in the drop down.
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Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Kartheeswaran Ramasamy
Posts: 14

And for my test cases tool is executing only 3 test groups.
But i have created more than 3 test groups.
Is it restricted due to trial version???
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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
When the primary test completion condition is Number of Iterations, the secondary condition is implicitly set as Wait for Iteration to Complete.  Therefore there is no need for a secondary condition drop-down. Naturally, if you want to execute X iterations, then the test will keep going until X iterations are fully complete.
The drop-down " How to count iterations (per VU or Total)" you are asking about  is not the secondary condition drop-down.

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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
Previously you asked how to execute 8 Test Cases by 3 VUs, and I explained (above)that you need to create one TC group that includes these 8 test cases.  Why did you create multiple TC groups?  One TC group will take care of executing all of your 8 test case.
The trial version is not restricted in terms of handling multiple test cases.
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