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Host remapping and external report in Jenkins Messages in this topic - RSS

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Posts: 514

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514
  • Can we replace URL(Host remapping) in StresStimulus via Jenkins choice parameters(overriding the existing url) while performing the execution activities.
  • Can we display html report in Jenkins dashboard post execution
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    George @StresStimulus
    George @StresStimulus
    Posts: 566

    George @StresStimulus
    George @StresStimulus
    Posts: 566
    Host remapping is described here
    It is a computer-level setting. Once host A is remapped to host B, all scripts recorded against host A and are launched from that computer will replay against host B.
    Set the remap hosts settings on the computer that hosts Jenkins, and remapping should work during the test execution.

    When a StresStimulus test runs from Jenkins, an external report is always generated in the test subfolder. The test subfolder is a folder in the same directory as the .ssconfig file with the same name as described
    For example: if executing c:\myfolder\myconfig.ssconfig the result will be stored in the subfolder folder c:\myfolder\myconfig\{test run date}_ myconfig
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