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Graph Sample Rate
sachpatel Posts: 14
After a test has completed, is there a way of editing the graph sample rate within SS? I am currently exporting the Transactions graph data csv file into Excel and filtering the rows on a multiple of a number, i.e. 20 seconds. Is there an easier method?
Thank you.
George @StresStimulus Administrator Posts: 567
The graph section displays curves consisting of Data points that represent instant performance snapshots collected at specific intervals. The graph sample rate defines the frequency of the snapshot. Once the test is over, there is no way to change the sample rate as data points are already collected. Because the intervals of collecting data points are not synchronized with the beginning or end of transactions, determining the average performance characteristics of a transaction by datapoints is not the best approach.
You can use instead of the Transaction’s Activity diagram and exporting all transaction times into .csv, as described here.
This information will present performance characteristics for every user executing the transaction and iteration.
- Cheers
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