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Failed to load SSRecorderHelper.dll Messages in this topic - RSS

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514
After installation of StresStimulus when Fiddler starts it shows a message reporting an error while scanning for extensions.

Could it be there’s a 64 bit vs 32 bit conflict?
Stimulus runs without problems (I think) after that.

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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
This message is a Fiddler warning and does not affect Fiddler or StresStimulus. You receive it because the warning settings, which is disabled by default, was enabled new machine. To turn this settings of, do the following in Fiddler:

  1. Hit Alt+Q to access QuickExec panel on the bottom of Fiddler.

  2. Paste: prefs set fiddler.debug.extensions.verbose False

  3. Hit Enter.

  4. Paste: prefs set fiddler.debug.extensions.showerrors False

  5. Hit Enter.

After that the warnings should disappear.
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