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Explain extractor decoding Messages in this topic - RSS

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 509

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 509
When we need to enable URL decoding=yes & HTML decoding=Yes, which situation we need to use these options?
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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 555

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 555
Url and HTML decoding property - extracted - are described in

If the extractor is created automatically by autocorrelation, then it will have correct encoding settings determined by StresStimulus, and you do not need to change them.

If you create extractors manually, then you would use these features if the response you are extracting from has the value you wish to extract is encoded and the request you are using the extractor needs the value decoded. For example if you need to extract the value <id> and replace the recorded value <id> then set the HTML decoding property to 'Yes'.
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