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Doubts on some Parameters in Report Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 7

Posts: 7
I had a few doubt regarding some parameters in the reports generated.

Request and Page Timeout
what is the difference between these two time outs?

Max User Load
According to this link
“Max User Load” is the maximum number of VUs, reached during the test. When the Constant Load pattern is selected, it will be equal to the set number of VUs. When the Step Load pattern is selected, it will be equal to the Max number of VUs or a smaller number that the test duration limit permits to reach."
i have selected step load pattern.
the no of Max User Load Showing is less than the no of Max numbers of VUs.
why is that so?
ideally it should be equal?

Iteration Started and Iteration Competed
According to definition.
Test iteration is a test case replayed once by a single VU.
"Total test iterations" is a combined number of test iterations started by all VUs. It should be equal to the sum of the "Started Iterations" column in the VU Iteration Details grid
"Iterations completed" is a combined number of test iterations completed by all VUs. It should be equal to the sum of "Completed Iterations" column in VU Iteration Details grid.
if 1 give 1 iteration per user and 10,000 user ideally how many iteration should be started?
i am getting it bigger than 10,000 iteration while testing.
what is the reason that the no of iteration are more than the max no of VUs?

Iteration Details
why are there only 500 iteration details? not all.?

Thanks in Advance...
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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
Hi Goku,
Below are the answers to your questions:
1. Request and Page Timeout.

Request timeout is registered when its response time exceeds the preset timeout threshold. The timeout threshold for all requests of a page is the same. It is configured in the Page Settings section.
Page timeout is registered when at least one of its requests timed out.
For more about timeouts, check this post 

2. Max User Load.
The number of VUs created in the test will not necessarily reach the Max VU settings of the Step Load pattern. The reason for that is the test was not given enough time toramp-up to the Max VU.
Check your settings in the Test Duration section.
For example, on the screenshot below StresStimulus calculated that the test should run for at least 495 seconds to reach 10,000 VUs

If in the Test Duration sections you selected "Run Duration" shorter than 495 seconds, then your test will not have enough time to reach 10,000 VU level. To reach this level, either increase "Run Duration" or select "Reaching Max Users".

3. Iteration Started and Iteration Completed.
If in Steady Load pattern you selected 10,000 user and then specified, 1 iteration per user, then test should issue 10,000 iterations. If this is not happening, double check your settings.  If you want me to review your test, upload it to our secure support repository from StresStimulus main menu -> Support Options -> Upload Support Case.  Make sure to check all three check boxes, You can add any additional comments  in the comment field. I will review and let you know what has to be changed.

4. Iteration Details.
In v2.0 there is a 500 VU limit to display in the VU details grid. In v2.5 this limitation is removed. You can download 2.5 beta from here 

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Posts: 7

Posts: 7
Hey Vadim, Thanks for reply and sorry for late reply.
w.r.t Iteration started and completed
in Test Duration option i have selected "Reaching Max User" option and not No of Iteration.
is that the reason that the no of iteration started and completed are greater than max no of user?
if yes why so? if no then what may be the reason?
Thanks in advance..
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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
Hi Goku,
In your original question you've mentioned: "If I give 1iteration per user and 10,000 users…" which suggested that the test completion criteria was selected as "number of iterations per user" with the value 1. So, my previous answer was written based on this understanding.

As you clarify today, your test completion criterion was rather selected as "Reaching Max User". In this case, this is exactly the reason why your total numbers of iterations exceeds the number of users. Here is the explanation.
After 1-st user completed its 1-st iteration and the subsequent users are being gradually generated, the  1-st user will keep iterating through the test scenario more times, until the last user is created, as nothing suggested that he should stop after its 1-st iteration.

If you want limit the number of iterations for each user to one, you have to make this choice in StresStimulus. Your test completion criteria should be changed to "number of iterations per user" with the value 1, as I originally thought you did.
Does this make sense?

P.S. to use this settings use v2.5, that has the enhancements described in the item 8 of this post

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Posts: 7

Posts: 7
Got it ...
Thanks smile
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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
You are welcome smile
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