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Discrepancies in average response time + zero sec response time Messages in this topic - RSS

Brianna Blanchard
Brianna Blanchard
Posts: 76


Two questions here that are related:

1) On some of my SS tests, many of the average response time data points are zero. Does this mean that the response time was less than 1 ms, or that no responses were received? I am doubtful that no response is being received, because the average requests/sec never zero and is usually over 40, and there are no errors.

2) I see different average response times for the same data set. Under the Key Indicators table, for example, I got 0.016 secs. However, many of the data points for that test were zero, and it appears that this average does not include any of the zeros. On the other hand, if I look at the agent test results, then the average is very small, like .001s or 0s (two different runs of the same test). Finally, if I look at the datapoints for the key indicator graph and average the response times myself, including the zero results, I get an average of 0.0023, which is larger than the agent test results. What number is actually a good representation of the average?
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