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New Version 1.5 SQL size limitation = No large long tests Messages in this topic - RSS

Martin Hall
Martin Hall
Posts: 1

Martin Hall
Martin Hall
Posts: 1
***Resolved in the final v.1.5 on 3/1/12***
Now I could be wrong on this however I think that the internal SQL engine has a hard limit of 4gb and I tried to run a soak test over the weekend and I got the following error

Overall Result
ReasonThe database file is larger than the configured maximum database size. This setting takes effect on the first concurrent database connection only. [ Required Max Database Size (in MB; 0 if unknown) = 4071 ]

the above looks like a .NET default error message to me and some investigation gave the following results.
Is there a way to set a data source as my own SQL DB. This way if a user had a full MSSQL licence there would be no limit. Or even better to offer mutiple database support like MYSql etc.
One quick and dirty hack could be writing the data to a CSV or txt file which obviously would have no limits and then could be parsed back into StressStimulus.
So far i've not been able to give a web app a large load with a run of more than 4 hours. Each time I've hit the SQL limit.
This is regarding the following post http://www.stresstimulus.com/forum/stresstimulus-powered-by-embedded-sql-server-targets-large-tests-240
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