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CSV Dataset and End of File Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 4

Posts: 4
I need to iterate over the dataset that is given as csv file. Now I know that i can create a loop and insert Number of Iterations to the total number of records in my dataset. But i do not want the user to update number of iterations everytime the csv file is changed. Is there any way of finding End of file of CSV ? If yes, then how can i insert that in my request so that my request gets parametrized with subsequent rows of the dataset?
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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 554

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 554
There is no direct support for adjusting test duration based on the size of a dataset, but there are two possible workarounds that I can think of

1. In your datasets always have the last record that has a specific value in one of the fields, for example, "end-of-data set". Then create a custom validator that checks for that value and stops the test

2. You can write your scriptable component that programmatically determines the size of a data set and based on that adjusts a test duration or loop duration

Unfortunately, we did not provide support for developing scriptable components on the public forum.
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Posts: 4

Posts: 4
Thanks for the information.

But isn't validator for validating response? Here, I need to check 'End-Of-File' String in my CSV dataset that will be sent as parameters in requests.
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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 554

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 554
The workaround with the validators can be used if the value from the dataset included in a request, is then sent back in one of the subsequent responses. For example, the request contains a person’s name to create a new record, and then the response includes this name to confirm that the record is created. If your application does not work this way, then you may need to write custom code.

StresStimulus does not have direct support for the requirement to stop the test when the end of a particular dataset is reached because it does not seem to be a typical requirement for load testing.

Can you explain why you need this requirement, is it for performance testing?
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