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Creating test case from .json Messages in this topic - RSS

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 509

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 509
Is there a feature in StresStimulus that allows me to just paste a text .json call and then execute load testing instead of using the recorder for API testing?
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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 554

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 554
First use Fiddler’s request builder to create requests. Then you can create a test case out of those requests in StresStimulus and run a load test on them. Below is the sequence of steps:

1. In Fiddler go to the Composer tab.
2. Set the method to POST.
3. Input your API’s URL.
4. Past your JSON into the request Body.
5. Click Execute to send the request.

6. After you issued all API requests, go to StresStimulus tab.
7. In Fiddler grid select all the API request.
8. Right-click > StresStimulus Commands > Create Test Case.

Once you create a test case in StresStimulus, you can configure and run a load test as usual.
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